SplitFast User Guide v3.0

SplitFastTM Athlete Timing System
1. Understanding how the SplitFast System works
The SplitFast system incorporates a SplitFast Tag, an iPhone running the SplitFast App, and one or more SplitFast Gates.
The SplitFast Tag contains a digital stopwatch to measure and record your results, and an accelerometer to detect your starting motion. As you run down the track, the SplitFast Gates communicate with the SplitFast Tag over Bluetooth to record the time that each LIDAR ToF sensor was triggered. These results are saved in the SplitFast Tag and synced to the iPhone Application. You don’t have to carry your iPhone when you are running, you only need the iPhone to configure a Trial, view your Results and view the Training recommendations.
2. Initial Setup
A. The SplitFast App
i) Commence by downloading the SplitFast App from the Apple Store. (Search SplitFast timing on the App Store)
B. IPhone Settings
i) Ensure that the Dark Mode setting of the iPhone is not switched on.
C. The SplitFast Tag
i) Switch on the SplitFast Tag by pressing the center of the face for 2 seconds. You will feel the SplitFast Tag vibrate and a blue LED at the top of the face will flash.
ii) The LED will flash every 3 seconds until the SplitFast Tag is switched off.
iii) To switch off the SplitFast Tag, press the center of the face for 2 seconds. The SplitFast Tag will vibrate and the LED will turn off.
3. Navigating The SplitFast App
A. The SplitFast Tag
i) The TRIAL page of the SplitFast App displays 4 options across the bottom of the iPhone screen; TRIAL, DEVICES, RESULTS, and TRAINING.
ii) With the SplitFast Tag switched on, press the DEVICES option. The name of the SplitFast Tag will appear at the top of the option list.
iii) From left to right; the name of the SplitFast Tag is presented first, with its serial number beneath it.
iv) Next is the SplitFast Tag symbol.
v) The battery charge is displayed next.
vi) Charge the SplitFast Tag by attaching the magnetic charger to the back of the Tag and connecting the charger to a USB A outlet.
vii) Finally, the strength of the Bluetooth signal is displayed (maximum 4 bars).
viii) Select the SplitFast Tag by tapping the name of the Tag.
ix) The screen which appears will show a box with instructions to Enter Pin Code. The default Admin pin code is; 1 2 3 4 5 6. Enter this code.
x) When a Bluetooth connection is established between the SplitFast Tag and the iPhone, the Status will show Connected.
xi) Select Set As Active.
xii) If several athletes, each using their own SplitFast Tag, are using the same SplitFast system, the user may switch between Tags using the Set As Active feature.
xiii) The SplitFast Tag Battery charge is presented next, followed by the name of the SplitFast Tag.
xiv) Alter the name of the SplitFast Tag by tapping the name, tapping Select, and then tapping Cut, and replacing with a new Tag name. Or, by tapping to the right of the name, then pressing the ⌫ button until the old name is deleted, and then typing the new name. These steps may be used to alter any text in the SplitFast App.
xv) The Bluetooth group ID may be set between 0 and 250. The Bluetooth Group ID of the SplitFast App, Tag and Gates must all match. Separate SplitFast systems may be used in conjunction by setting each system to a different Bluetooth Group ID to avoid interference.
xvi) The auto power off limits may be adjusted between 15 and 180 minutes on the drop-down menu.
xvii) The Admin Pin may be altered for security. The code must be 6 digits.
xviii) To update the firmware version press Update. If a new version is available press Install Update. (note that any results stored on the SplitFast Tag will be deleted during the update.)
xix) Any results stored on the SplitFast Tag may also be deleted by pressing the Delete option.
xx) Return to the Devices page by pressing the < Devices option at the top left of the page.
B. The SplitFast Gates
i) With the SplitFast Tag still switched on, turn on a SplitFast Gate by pressing and holding the white On/Off button of the Gate for 3 seconds. The green STATUS LED will flash and continue to flash every second while the gate is powered on.
ii) Press the DEVICES option at the bottom of the Home page of the SplitFast App. The SplitFast Tag and SplitFast Gate will then be displayed.
iii) From left to right, the Gate Type and gate Distance will be displayed with the Gate Name under this setting.
iv) If an object is detected in front of the SplitFast Gate the running athlete symbol will be displayed (and the DETECTION LED on the top of the SplitFast Gate will flash). If no object is detected by the Gate, the ((-----)) symbol will be displayed.
v) The charge remaining in the SplitFast Gate battery is then displayed, followed by the Bluetooth signal strength of the SplitFast Gate.
vi) Tap the name of the SplitFast Gate to go to its settings page. The screen which appears will show a box with instructions to Enter Pin Code.
vii) The default Admin pin code is; 1 2 3 4 5 6. Enter this code.
viii) On the Settings Page of the SplitFast Gate the status of the gate will display as Connected when a Bluetooth link is established between the Gate and the iPhone.
ix) The battery charge will be displayed as a percentage. New AA batteries may be installed by removing the panel on the underside of the Gate. (Note that all of the Batteries are installed in the SAME DIRECTION.)
x) The maximum detection range of the LIDAR ToF sensor may then be set between 0.3 and 6 meters in the drop-down menu. A lower maximum detection distance may be required when using the system indoors or on a busy track.
xi) The distance between the Start and the SplitFast Gate may then be set to any distance between 1m and 10,000m.
xii) The SplitFast Gate type may be set in the dropdown menu. The Gate types are Start, Split, Lap, Shuttle, and Finish. The section entitled SplitFast Modes will explain the use of the various Gate Types.
xiii) The Gate Name may be altered according to the users’ preference.
xiv) The gate may be included or excluded from a trial by selecting the Included In Trial option. (green for on, grey for off.)
xv) The Bluetooth Group ID may be altered between 1 and 250. The Group ID of the SplitFast App, Tag and Gate must all match. Separate SplitFast systems may be used in conjunction by setting each system to a different Bluetooth Group ID to avoid interference.
xvi) The SplitFast Gates’ auto power off limits may be set between 15 and 180 minutes.
xvii) The Admin Pin may be altered for security. The code must contain 6 digits. The default pin is; 1 2 3 4 5 6.
xviii) Return to the TRIAL page of the SplitFast App by pressing the TRIAL button, at the bottom left of the screen.
xix) Understanding ToF LIDAR sensor power save mode
To extend the life of the SplitFast Gate batteries, the LIDAR ToF sensor goes into low power standby mode after 60 seconds of no activity. In standby mode the sensor will not detect any athlete motion. The LIDAR sensor will return to power on mode when any of the following occur:
- When a trial is started, the Gate detects the trial is active and turns on the sensor
- When the SplitFast app connects to a Gate
- When the Gate power button is pressed and released for less than 1 second.
When in the powered on state, the sensor will wait 60 seconds after a motion event and then check to see if the trial is still in progress. It will remain powered on during an active trial and will go into standby after the trial has ended.
C. The SplitFast App Trial Settings
SplitFast has been designed to meet the needs of many different types of athletes in a variety of different sports. So, the user has the option to choose between a variety of Training MODES.
To explain the use of the Trial Settings page, the specific example of a Race Mode trial is described below.
i) The Race Trial includes an iPhone running the SplitFast App, a Wristband Tag and one or more SplitFast Gates.
ii) To configure a trial, ensure the SplitFast Tag is powered ON and Set As Active, and then press the Settings option at the top right of the TRIAL page.
iii) Under Training Mode select Race from the drop-down menu.
iv) Select Starting Gun from the Start Mode drop-down menu.
v) Select a Starting “Set” delay between 2 and 10 second on the drop-down menu. The Starting “Set” delay is the time allowed for the athlete to move to the “On Your Mark” position before the “Set” command is given.
vi) Select a Start Motion Sensitivity between 1 and 10, with 1 being the least sensitive and 10 being the most sensitive. (Start Motion Sensitivity is discussed in detail in the section Understanding Motion Sensitivity below.)
vii) The Gates Included In Trial are altered in the Gate Settings Page of each gate under Included in trial as described in section B. xiv) above.
viii) Play sound when Gate motion detected may be switched on or off. This feature is useful during alignment of the gates.
ix) Ensure the Bluetooth Group ID matches that selected for the SplitFast Gate and SplitFast Tag.
x) Results may be displayed in either ascending or descending order on the TRIAL page.
xi) Set up a gate by following the instructions given in section B. above.
xii) Tap Trial at the top of the screen to return to the Trial page.
xiii) To align the SplitFast Gate, place the Gate, standing on its tripod, at 90 degrees to the finish line with the LIDAR ToF sensor facing across the finish line. The Gate should be positioned at the shoulder height of the athlete.
xiv) The Gate must be placed within the Motion Detect Range selected on the Gate Settings page.
xv) Switching on Play Sound when Gate motion detected, in Settings, will facilitate alignment of the gates.
xvi) In the Trial page of the SplitFast App select NEW TRIAL. The athlete will be instructed “On Your Mark”.
xvii) The athlete then has between 2 and 10 seconds to move to the start line. This time can be configured under Starting “Set” Delay on the Trial Settings page of the SplitFast App. The default time is 6 seconds.
xviii) The command “Set” is then given. The athlete should then take the set position. The athlete is allowed 1.25 seconds to take the set position. Any motion detected after 1.25 seconds, and before the starter pistol has sounded, will be recorded as a false start. If a false start is detected, two Starter Pistol shots will be heard and the trial will be automatically cancelled.
xix) The Starters’ Pistol will sound at a random time somewhere between 1.75 and 2.25 seconds after the “Set“ command.
xx) When the Starter’s gun is heard, the athlete should begin running as soon as possible to enable the calculation of an accurate reaction time.
xxi) The athlete’s reaction time will appear on the screen of the SplitFast App.
xxii) When the athlete passes the finish Gate the finish time will also appear on the SplitFast App, under the reaction time.
D. Results
i) Press the tab labeled RESULTS at the Bottom of the TRIAL Page. Tap the Select tab at the top of the RESULTS page. The desired SplitFast Tag can then be selected from the drop-down menu. If no results appear, return to the Devices Scan page and tap the desired Tag to reactivate the connection. The results of this Tag should now appear on the Results page.
ii) Individual trials are displayed from most recent at the top, to oldest at the bottom. The date and time of the trial is given on the left, and the Mode of the trial on the right.
iii) The Trials displayed may be filtered using the Menu at the top of the Results page.
iv) Tap any trial to see details of that trial.
v) When a Trial is selected by tapping the tick symbol to the right of the trial, Graph, Analysis, Delete, and Share will be enabled at the bottom of the page.
vi) To graph a trial, tap the tick to the right of the trial and then select Graph. The Reaction time and Finish time will be displayed on a Distance versus Time graph.
vii) Tap the Share button to send an Excel .CSV file of the selected results to any email address directly from the SplitFast app.
viii) Tap the tick beside the trial and tap Delete to permanently remove the trial
E. Running A Trial With Multiple Gates.
i) SplitFast can record trials over any distance (up to 10000m between gates), using up to 9 intermediate, also known as split, gates.
ii) Turn off all the SplitFast Gates.
iii) Turn on one SplitFast gate only. This Gate will appear in the list on the Device Scan page of the SplitFast App. Select that gate by touching the Gate name in the list.
iv) Set the Motion Detect Range between 0.3 and 6 meters.
v) Type the Distance (in meters) that the gate will be placed from the start line in the Distance space.
vi) Select Split from the Gate Type drop down menu.
vii) Alter the Gate Name as required.
viii) Ensure that the Bluetooth Group ID matches the Bluetooth Group ID selected under settings of the SplitFast App and the Bluetooth Group ID of the SplitFast Tag.
ix) Turn on the second gate. Select that gate on the Device Scan page.
x) Alter the Gate Distance to the appropriate distance from the start line.
xi) Alter the Gate Type to Split.
xii) Alter the Gate Name as required.
xiii) Ensure that the Bluetooth Group ID matches the Bluetooth Group ID selected under settings of the SplitFast App.
xiv) Repeat steps 9-13 for each split gate while ensuring that the gate is given the correct distance from the start line, and the Bluetooth Group ID matches the Bluetooth Group ID selected under settings of the SplitFast App.
xv) Turn on the final gate. This will be the finish gate.
xvi) The steps to setting up the Finish gate are the same as steps 9-13 except that Finish will be selected from the drop-down menu under Gate Type.
4. Understanding Training Modes.
SplitFast has different modes to help a wide variety of athletes improve their speed and agility. These are called Training modes, and this section explains the different options available and how to use them.
A. Race Mode
i) Race is the default training mode. It uses a Start signal generated by movement of the SplitFast Tag to begin the trial. The athlete then runs through 0 or more Split Gates and finally through a single Finish Gate. The trial is complete when the Finish Gate has been triggered.
B. Flying Start Mode
In Flying Start mode, there is a single Start Gate used to start the trial. The athlete arms the system using the SplitFast App and then starts running.
When the athlete is detected by the LIDAR of the Start Gate, the trial timer will begin. The trial will end when the Finish Gate is triggered.
To prepare for a flying start trial;
i) Training mode is switched to Flying Start.
ii) Start gun is automatically disabled, and Gate Start only will appear in the Start Mode drop down menu.
iii) The first gate is moved to the starting line.
iv) The first Gate Type is changed to Start.
v) The Finish gate is placed on the finish line.
vi) The Finish Gate Type is changed to Finish.
vii) In addition, multiple Split Gates may be placed between the Start and Finish Gates.
C. Shuttle Mode
Shuttle mode uses a single Gate that acts as both the Start and Finish gate.
The timer begins as the athlete passes the shuttle gate the first time. The timer stops when the athlete returns and passes the gate a second time. The Starting Gun is automatically disabled for this mode and Gate Start is the only option available in the Start Mode drop-down menu. The Gate Type is set to Shuttle in the drop-down menu. Arming is performed by touching the New Trial button.
D. Lap Mode
Lap mode is used to measure performance when running consecutive laps around a track or velodrome. Each time the athlete passes the Lap gate, the Lap time will be recorded.
To prepare for a Lap trial;
i) The Gate Type is set to Lap on the Gate Settings page.
ii) In the Trial Settings page, the Training Mode is set to Lap.
iii) Multiple Split Gates may also be utilized. The Split Gates are set to Split in the Gate type drop down menu of the Gate Settings page.
iv) Start Mode may be set to Gate Start, Starting Gun, or Athlete Motion, in the Start Mode drop-down menu of the Trial Setup Page.
v) The results of each Lap are recorded and displayed on the TRIAL page and on the RESULTS page.
E. Agility Mode
To run agility tests;
i) The Training Mode is set to Agility.
ii) The Start Mode is set to Starting Gun or Athlete Motion.
iii) Two or more gates are set to Gate Type Finish.
iv) The athlete will end the trial by triggering one of the multiple possible Finish Gates.
v) This mode usually has a coach signal to the athlete as they are approaching the gates, indicating to them which finish Gate to run through.
F. Optional Signal Gate
SplitFast also offers an optional Signal Gate which generates random direction change instructions to the athlete using a light system.
The trial is complete when any one of the possible Finish Gates is triggered.
To set the Signal Gate;
i) The Gate type is set to Signal
ii) Set one SplitFast Gate to Gate Type Start.
iii) Ensure that the Start Gate is not set to Include in trial.
iv) The athlete runs toward the Signal Gate. When they pass the Start Gate a signal is set to the Signal Gate.
v) The Signal gate will then generate a random direction instruction.
vi) The athlete finishes the trial by passing through the indicated Finish Gate.
G. Interval Mode
The interval Mode is specifically designed for training, so no split or finish gates are used. To run an interval training session;
i) Set the Training Mode to Interval.
ii) Set End After to the required number of intervals.
iii) Set Rest Between Intervals to a number between 5 and 120 seconds.
iv) Set delay is not required for interval training.
v) Select Devices and configure the Signal/Interval Gate only.
vi) Select the Signal/Interval Gate on the Devices page, then set Gate Type to Interval
vii) Tap the Include in Trial button.
viii) Ensure that the Gate Bluetooth group ID matches that on the SplitFast Tag and iPhone Bluetooth Group
H. Beep Test
The Beep Test is a standardised measurement of an athlete’s fitness that is widely used in many sports as an assessment tool to predict an athletes’ aerobic capacity (VO2 max). SplitFast includes the Pacer 20 Beep test, which is the most common test format used in the USA, Europe and Australia.
Athletes run repeatedly between 2 lines, spaced 20 meters apart. The test is performed in a series of stages. Each stage more difficult than the last. The pace is dictated by the SplitFast App which plays the beep test instructions and the beep tones over a Bluetooth speaker or earbuds. The SplitFast gates detect when the athlete crosses the start line and the finish line and will warn the athlete if they did not cross the line before the beep. If the athlete fails to cross the line before the beep on two occasions, the test will end. SplitFast records the results for each completed interval during the test. Athletes can use SplitFast to train for a beep test evaluation and improve their results to get the best possible test score.
The number of shuttles completed is recorded as the score of that runner. The score is recorded in Level Shuttles format.
The parameters of the test are given in the table below;
PHASE Speed km/hr Seconds Stages
Level 1 8.0 9.000 7
Level 2 9.0 8.000 8
Level 3 9.5 7.579. 8
Level 4 10.0 7.200 9
Level 5 10.5 6.857 9
Level 6 11.0 6.545 10
Level 7 11.5 6.261 10
Level 8 12.0 6.000 11
Level 9 12.5 5.760 11
Level 10 13.0 5.538 11
Level 11 13.5 5.333 12
Level 12 14.0 5.143 12
Level 13 14.5 4.966 13
Level 14 15.0 4.800 13
Level 15 15.5 4.645 13
Level 16 16.0 4.500 14
Level 17 16.5 4.364 14
Level 18 17.0 4.235 15
Level 19 17.5 4.114 15
Level 20 18.0 4.000 16
Level 21 18.0 3.892 16
To run a Beep Test
i) Ensure that Auto-Lock is set to Never in the Display and Brightness settings of the iPhone.
ii) Set the Training Mode to Beep Test
iii) Start mode will be set to Beep by default.
iv) Start “Set” Delay is not utilized.
v) Start Motion Sensitivity is not utilized.
vi) Switch on 2 gates and place them 20m apart.
vii) Under Devices select the 1st gate and set the Gate Type to Start
viii) The Distance setting is not utilized.
ix) Tap Include In Trial.
x) Then Select the second Gate in Devices
xi) Set the second gate to Gate Type to Finish.
xii) Again, the Distance setting is not utilized.
xiii) Tap Include In Trial.
To begin the test,
i) Tap the New Trial tab on the TRIAL page.
ii) The athlete will be given the command “ON YOUR MARK”
iii) The athlete moves to the Start Line facing the Finish gate.
iv) The App then informs the athlete that the PACER 20 protocol will commence in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
v) A beep will sound instructing the athlete to move to the Finish Line.
vi) As the athlete moves to the Finish Line, the SplitFast App announces the current Level and Stage of the test.
vii) As the athlete passes the finish line, and is detected, a tone will sound. The athlete then turns and waits for the next beep which indicates the beginning of the next Stage of the test.
viii) When the next beep sounds, the Athlete moves back to the start line. A tone will sound as the athlete passes the Start Line.
ix) The athlete then turns and waits for the next Beep which indicates the beginning of the next Stage.
x) The athlete continues to move backward and forward between the two lines, following the pace given by the Beeps, until they are no longer capable of keeping pace with the Beeps.
I. Multi-athlete Race Mode.
The multi-athlete race mode is designed to enable an affordable electronic timing system for race conditions. To run a multi-athlete race trial;
i) Select the 1st gate and place it on the left-hand side of lane 1, pointing the ToF sensor across the finish line toward lane 2.
On the gate Settings page;
ii) Set the Motion Detect Range to 1m from the drop-down menu. If the lane is less than 1.22m wide (Standard track width), set the Motion Detect Range to the lane width, minus 20cm.
iii) Set the gate Distance to 101m (this distance is not important; the number enables identification of the lane in Results.)
iv) Set the Gate Type to Split.
v) Select Include in Trial.
vi) Select the 2nd gate and place it on the left-hand side of lane 2, pointing the ToF sensor across the finish line toward lane 3.
vii) Set the Motion Detect Range to 1m.
viii) Set the gate Distance to 102m (again this distance is not important, the number enables identification of the lane in Results.
ix) Set the Gate Type to Split.
x) Select Include in Trial.
xi) Select the 3rd gate and place it on the left-hand side of lane 3, pointing the ToF sensor across the finish line toward lane 4.
xii) Set the Motion Detect Range to 1m.
xiii) Set the gate Distance to 103m.
xiv) Set the Gate Type to Split.
xv) Select Include in Trial.
xvi) Continue to place gates on the left-hand side of each lane until all lanes which will be used by an athlete, have a corresponding gate.
xvii) Select a final gate. This will be the Finish Gate.
xviii) The finish gate is placed near an official.
xix) Set the Motion Detect Range to 0.3m
xx) The ToF sensor is directed so that it will not be accidentally triggered.
On the Trial Settings page;
xxi) Set the Training Mode to Race.
xxii) Set the Start Mode to Starting Gun.
xxiii) Fit the SplitFast Tag to any one of the athletes’ wrists.
xxiv) Return to the Trial page and select New Trial when the athletes are ready to race.
xxv) Run the race.
As each athlete passes the gate on the left-hand side of their finish line, their time will appear on the screen.
xxvi) When all athletes have passed the finish line the official passes their hand within 0.3m of the Finish Gate. This will conclude the trial.
The results can also be viewed on the Results page.
The athlete is identified by their lane, which is given by the Gate Distance.
While a Distance vs Time graph is possible, it has no meaning in this mode.
5. Analysis
The SplitFast system is programmed with comprehensive normative data which allows the athlete to detect strong and weak points in their own performance.
To perform an analysis;
i) Place Split Gates at 10m, 30m, and 40m and the Finish Gate at 90m.
ii) Set the Training Mode to Race from the drop-down menu.
iii) Select Starting Gun from the Start Mode drop-down menu.
iv) Run the trial at maximum speed.
v) Go to the Results page and select the appropriate athlete by tapping the Select tab at the top right of the page, and then the athlete from the drop-down menu.
vi) Select the appropriate trial by tapping the tick to the right of the trial.
vii) Tap the Analysis tab at the bottom of the page.
viii) The SplitFast software then compares the athletes result with normative data to determine the athletes strong and weak points.
ix) Performance Analysis will then display the;
a) Tag Name
b) The athletes’ reaction time.
c) The athletes’ strongest performance area.
d) The athletes’ weakest performance area.
e) If no difference can be determined between the quality of performance in 2 areas, both will be displayed.
Performance is broken into 4 components; Start acceleration (0-10m), Secondary Acceleration (10-30m), Top Speed (30-40m) and, Speed Endurance (40-90m).
This information can be used to design a training program aimed at strengthening the weak aspects of the athletes’ performance.
6. Training
The SplitFast software contains training programs designed to strengthen each aspect of an athletes’ performance. These programs are based on the athletes age, sex and performance.
i) To access the training programs, first perform an analysis as described above. Then tap the tab entitled Training Plan.
ii) A page entitled Training Settings will display.
iii) Select the appropriate sex and age of the athlete.
iv) The athletes’ weak areas will be displayed according to the result of the Performance Analysis.
v) You may then select the objective of your training under Training For.
vi) The drop-down menu will give the options to choose between Balanced, Start Acceleration, Secondary Acceleration, Top Speed, and Speed Endurance training programs. By default, the weak area detected by the Analysis will be selected.
vii) The trial utilized in the analysis will then be displayed under Selected Results.
viii) Tap View Training Plan to be shown a tailored training plan including both track work and strength training, based on your; age, sex, and performance.
ix) A balanced training program may be suggested if two or more areas are detected to be weak areas of performance.
7. Understanding the Starting Gun Feature
The Start Gun function is used to simulate a realistic race environment. Giving meaning to the athletes recorded reaction time.
When Start Gun is selected, the iPhone will give commands the same as a real Starter. The athlete will be given the commands “on your mark”, then to take the “Set” position. The Starters Pistol then fires signaling the start of the trial. Try using Bluetooth earphones or a Bluetooth speaker with the SplitFast App for a fantastic race experience!
The time that the athlete is given to take their mark can be varied from 2 to 10 seconds under Auto-arm Delay in the Settings page of the SplitFast App.
The time between the starters command to “Set” and the starter’s gun varies randomly between 1.75 and 2.25 seconds.
8. False Starts
SplitFast uses the Wristband Tag’s accelerometer to detect movement of the athlete. The sensitivity of the accelerometer may be varied under Settings, Start Motion Sensitivity on the iPhone app. 1 is the lowest sensitivity and 10 is the highest. Selecting a sensitivity which is too high may produce false starts while selecting a sensitivity which is too low may fail to detect a start. Athletes should experiment with different settings to find the one that is best for them.
In addition, a reaction time less than 0.10 seconds will also trigger a false start.
When the Start Gun is switched off the starter gives the command “on your mark” when the New Trial button is pressed. The command to “Set” is then given. The time between the commands “on your mark“ and “set” may be altered on the Trial Settings page under Starting “Set” Delay. The trial timer will commence when the athlete starts moving.
9. Understanding Motion Sensitivity
SplitFast uses the Wristband Tag’s accelerometer to detect movement of the athlete. The sensitivity of the accelerometer may be varied under Trial Settings, Start Motion Sensitivity on the iPhone App. 1 is the lowest sensitivity and 10 is the highest. Selecting a sensitivity which is too high may produce false starts while selecting a sensitivity which is too low may fail to detect a start. Athletes should experiment with different settings to find the one that is best for them.
10.1 In this Quick Start Guide (‘Guide’) the following terms have the corresponding meanings, unless the contrary intention appears:
Application means the SplitFast device software known as ‘SplitFast Timing’;
Site means our website, found at: https://splitfast.com;
SplitFast means SplitFast Pty Ltd ACN 627 997 022 and its related entities (referred to in this document as ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’);
SplitFast Devices means includes one or more of the following:
(a) Bluetooth laser timing Gate (‘Laser Timing Gate’);
(b) SplitFast Wristband Tag (‘Wristband Tag’)
SplitFast System means the SplitFast Devices and the Application;
You, means the user of the SplitFast System, having acknowledged and agreed to these Terms;
Terms means this Guide, SplitFast, the Application, and our Site and any information or content provided through these means, as amended from time to time.
11.1 The SplitFast System is provided “as-is”, without warranty of any kind, except as required by law. Without limiting the foregoing or any other terms or agreements you have with us, we explicitly disclaim all express or implied warranties arising out of or related to these Terms, including any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, quiet enjoyment, or non-infringement, and any warranties arising out of the course of dealing or usage of trade. We make no warranty that any of the features of the SplitFast System will meet your requirements or be available on an uninterrupted, secure or error-free basis.
11.2 This means that while the SplitFast System and any other services or information offered or provided by SplitFast from time to time is intended to help you pursue your personal health, fitness and wellness goals, we do not guarantee that you will achieve your goals. We make no endorsement, representation or warranty of any kind about any information on the SplitFast System offered by SplitFast, provided to you by any means. We are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, availability, effectiveness or correct use of information you receive via the SplitFast System and we are not responsible for any health problems that may result from your reliance on these matters. If you engage in any health, fitness or wellness program or activities that you learn about through the SplitFast System, you agree that you do so voluntarily and at your own risk. If you experience a medical emergency while using the SplitFast System, consult with a medical professional immediately.
12.1 To the maximum extent permitted by Law, you (in your own right or as guardian of you, as the case may be):
(a) release SplitFast from any claims whatsoever against SplitFast in respect of injury or death; or
(b) waive and exclude all rights that you may have against SplitFast in respect of any claim against SplitFast;
(c) without excluding, restricting or modifying the rights afforded to you by virtue of any consumer guarantees or warranties applicable to you under the Australian Consumer Law, from any claims whatsoever in respect of any loss suffered or incurred by you arising from or in connection with the SplitFast System.
12.2 You (in your own right or as guardian of you, as the case may be) indemnify SplitFast and will keep indemnified, SplitFast against any liability suffered whatsoever or incurred by SplitFast as a result of or in connection with:
(a) your breach of these Terms or failure to comply with directions of use of the SplitFast System;
(b) without excluding, restricting or modifying the rights afforded to you by virtue of any consumer guarantees or warranties applicable to you under the Australian Consumer Law, loss suffered or incurred by you through arising from or in connection with the SplitFast System;
(c) your use of and participation with the SplitFast System including without limitation, injury, death or loss suffered or incurred by you.
13.1 Waiver means the terms set out in this clause 7, as amended from time to time.
13.2 Risk Warning means the risk warning given under these Terms or the SplitFast System and any verbal or other warning of risks associated or in connection with the SplitFast System or associated activities given by or on behalf of SplitFast from time to time, and that by utilizing the SplitFast System, you agree that:
(a) you are bound by these Terms; and
(b) where you are a minor, you:
(i) agree to these Terms as guardian on behalf of you, and to the extent permitted by Law, you are bound to these Terms;
(ii) warrant that you agree to be bound by these Terms; and
(iii) are responsible for the actions, omissions or any breach of these Terms as if you were you.
14.1 You acknowledge and accept that under the Civil Liability Act 2003, SplitFast may not be liable for any harm suffered by you due to failure to comply with these Terms.
15.1 You acknowledge that you:
(a) have been provided with the disclaimer under clause 5 of these Terms;
(b) by participating in the SplitFast System, you accept all risks, including but not limited to those associated with the SplitFast System;
(c) The assumption of risk under clause 7.2 or elsewhere under these Terms, constitutes a ‘risk warning’ in accordance with the relevant laws.
(d) Without limiting SplitFast’s rights at law or under these Terms, you accept and warrant that you utilize the SplitFast System at your own free will and at your own risk.
16.1 You acknowledge and accept that SplitFast is not qualified or required, and is unable, to assess and make any determination for the suitability of your use of the SplitFast System, including but not limited to:
(a) your fitness level or health;
(b) your physical or mental ability to engage with or utilise the SplitFast System; and
(c) information presented on the SplitFast System is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a health care professional. It is your responsibility to seek a professional medical assessment and advice before beginning any new physical activity or training program.
17.1 Without limiting any other provision of these Terms or under any law (including without limitation the Civil Liability Act 2003), you acknowledge and accept that you are aware of and accepts all risks associated with or in connection with your use of the SplitFast System including but not limited to those associated with:
(a) undertaking physical activities;
(b) the safety of any personal equipment used in conjunction with the SplitFast System;
(c) to the extent permitted by law, defaults, acts and omissions including negligent defaults, acts and omissions of SplitFast.
18.1 You acknowledge that SplitFast may plead the releases in these Terms generally as a bar to proceedings commenced by you (whether in your own right or as guardian, and on behalf of, you) in connection with your use of the SplitFast System.
18.2 Any provision of these Terms which is prohibited or unenforceable in the jurisdiction specified in in these Terms will be ineffective in that jurisdiction to the extent of the prohibition or unenforceability. That will not invalidate the remaining provisions of these Terms nor affect the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction.
19.1 A party does not waive a right, power or remedy if it fails to exercise or delays in exercising the right, power or remedy. A single or partial exercise of a right, power or remedy does not prevent another or further exercise of that or another right, power or remedy. A waiver of a right, power or remedy must be in writing and signed by the party giving the waiver.
20.1 Any indemnity or any obligation of confidence under these Terms is independent and survives termination or cessation of the SplitFast System. Any other Terms, by their nature are intended to survive termination or cessation of your use of the SplitFast System and survives its termination.
21.1 The SplitFast Timing Gate contains a Bluetooth radio transmitter qualified by Bluetooth SIG with design ID 101625. The module has been assigned the following international approvals:
USA FCC Part 15: Contains FCC ID: 2AA9B04
AUS/NZ RCM: Complies with AS/NZS 4268:2017
Mexico IFETEL IFT:NYCE/CT/0146/17/TS
Canada IESD RSS-247: Contains IC: 12208A-04
Japan MIC: Certificate R210-106799
Brazil ANATEL Approval: 0315418-11156
EU Radio Equipment Directive: 2014/53/EU
South Korea KCC Certificate: R-CRM-RgdBMD-300